Please make sure you are entering all the details correctly in the app:
The email address associated with the tickets*
The six-digits registration code sent by email
Please also make sure that you accept the terms and conditions, after you have filled in your personal details.
If the tickets are not yet available for download, you will see a message that there are no tickets associated with your email address. This is normal, as the ticket distribution is done gradually.
Please bear in mind that the tickets will be ready for download only once you have received the notification by email, not earlier.
*If you signed in with Apple when you purchased the tickets and chose to hide your email address, a new Apple ID email address was generated, consisting of random letters and numbers followed by domain. Please use this auto-generated Apple ID email to register with the app and download your tickets. The registration code will be sent to the email address associated with your Apple account.
To find the auto-generated Apple ID email address, log in to and check the Ticketing email address:
Still have questions? Click on the appropriate link below to access the contact form for the corresponding competition: